Optimization is the process of obtaining the most optimal solution for a problem within specified constraints and objectives. The evolving world has brought along with it optimization problems. Metaheuristic approach algorithms are algorithms that aim to find the optimum point of an objective varying within a discrete value range through heuristic approaches. It cannot be expected that an optimization algorithm will be successful on every problem or test function. Therefore, the heuristic algorithm to be used should be preferred based on the objective. In this study, Simulated Annealing (SA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithms are discussed. Investigations were conducted on Ackley, Beale, Goldstein-Price, and Levi test functions using the Python programming language.
1. Introduction
Optimization is the process of finding the optimal solution point in the solution space of a problem under defined constraints. Nowadays, both mathematical and heuristic techniques are employed in solving optimization problems. Mathematical techniques, as they scan the entire solution space during problem-solving, tend to yield more costly results when the solution space is vast. In such cases, it is more advantageous to utilize heuristic algorithms that navigate the solution space intuitively, reaching solutions in a shorter time (Çelik, 2013). Metaheuristic algorithms are solution methods obtained by adapting basic heuristic techniques to specific problems. The term "metaheuristic" is derived from the combination of two Greek words: "meta" (alongside, beyond) and "heuristic" (finding). These algorithms efficiently navigate the solution space using high-level working environments and effective search operations to reach the optimal solution faster (Çelik, 2013). One of the most significant advantages of metaheuristic optimization algorithms is their ability to reach a global solution without getting trapped in local optimal points (Laporte, 2006). Metaheuristic algorithms can be applied to various integrated problems and possess flexible structures (Çelik, 2013). In other words, metaheuristic algorithms can be seen as a general algorithmic structure that can be adapted to specific problems with a few modifications, while also being applicable to different optimization problems. The classification of metaheuristic algorithms is shown in Figure 1.1.
2. Metaheuristic Algorithms
2.1. Simulated Annealing
The foundation of the simulated annealing analogy is based on the work of Metropolis et al. (1953). In this study, an algorithm mimicking the thermal equilibrium of a solid at a specific temperature level was developed. Subsequently, Kirkpatrick et al. (1983) proposed an algorithm based on the work of Metropolis et al. (1953) that could be utilized in combinatorial optimization problems (Akbulut, 2020). Simulated annealing (SA) is a stochastic approach based on simulating the statistical process of growing crystals using annealing processes to reach the general minimum internal energy configuration. In simpler terms, it mimics the physical annealing process that enhances the quality of a solid material by first heating it to a certain temperature and then cooling it. In this approach, a solid material like metal is heated to a high temperature and melted, allowing atoms to move freely. However, the movements of atoms are restricted as the temperature is lowered. As the temperature decreases, atoms tend to move less, and crystal formations adopt the lowest possible internal energy. The formation of crystals is primarily related to the rate of cooling. When the cooling rate of molten metals is too fast, it may not achieve a crystalline state because the temperature decreases rapidly. Instead, it may reach a polycrystalline state with higher energy compared to the crystal state. In engineering applications, defects occur within the material after rapid cooling. Therefore, to reach the lowest energy state (internal energy), the heated solid (molten metal) must be slowly and controllably cooled. This slow cooling process is referred to as annealing (Koç, 2019).
In simulated annealing, the control of the cooling process, or in other words, adjusting the rate at which it occurs, represents the probability of accepting solutions that, although not better during the search for the optimal solution, contribute to the acceptability of solutions that may lead to the overall best solution. At the beginning of the search, this probability should be set to a sufficiently high value to accept inferior solutions and thus avoid local optimal solutions in favor of finding the overall best solution. As the search for the best solution progresses, the probability decreases, making it difficult to escape from local optimal solutions. The objective here is to attempt reaching the overall best solution rather than transitioning to a new local optimal solution by searching through the neighbors of the current local optimal solution (Koç, 2019).
The probability of selecting a poor solution systematically decreases with temperature. The main objective of the SA algorithm is to leave no unexplored regions in the solution space. Simulated Annealing can be considered as a useful method providing near-optimal solutions for combinatorial optimization problems. SA has been applied to solve many combinatorial optimization problems such as the traveling salesman problem, scheduling, quadratic assignment problem, and network design (Sarıkaya, 2014).
To utilize the SA algorithm in solving any problem, certain parameters need to be determined. These parameters include the initial temperature (T0), the number of iterations at each temperature, the cooling function, and the stopping criterion for the algorithm. The initial temperature is an input parameter used to control the acceptance probability of poor solutions. The number of iterations represents the number of solutions generated at each temperature. The cooling function determines the temperature at the current iteration based on the temperature of the previous iteration. Together with the initial temperature, the number of iterations, and the cooling function, they form the cooling schedule. This schedule significantly influences solution quality or convergence rate. The SA algorithm stops when the solution obtained at each temperature change does not vary significantly over several consecutive temperature changes (Sarıkaya, 2014).
Güner and Altıparmak (2003) have expressed the relationship between physical annealing and combinatorial optimization as shown in Table 2.1 (Akbulut, 2020).
Thermodynamic Simulation | Combinatorial Optimization |
System States | Suitable Solutions |
Energy | Objective Function |
State Change | Neighbor Solution |
Temperature | Control Parameter |
Freezing State | Heuristic Solution |
2.1.1 Methodology
The SA algorithm starts with a randomly generated initial solution and generates the next solution at each iteration with local neighborhood. The new solution, which improves (reduces the energy of the material/system) the objective function representing the system's energy level, is always accepted. On the other hand, temporary solution suggestions that allow increasing the system's temperature or deviating/deteriorating from the objective function of the system to a certain extent are also accepted (Akbulut, 2020). The basic operation of the algorithm is represented in Figure 2.1.
The energy difference (∆E) between the current and the newly generated solution represents the difference between the objective function of the current solution and the objective function of the newly generated solution through the random neighborhood of the current solution. The acceptance state of the new solution is based on the Boltzmann distribution, as shown in Equation 2.1.
If the randomly generated number is smaller than the Boltzmann distribution, the new solution is accepted; otherwise, if the randomly generated number is not smaller than the Boltzmann distribution, the new solution is rejected, and the iteration continues with the old solution. The pseudo-code of the SA algorithm is given in Figure 2.2, and the flowchart is given in Figure 2.3.
2.1.2 Results
The SA algorithm, expressed in the flowchart in Figure 2.3, was implemented in the Python language, and Ackley, Beale, Goldstein-Price, and Levi Test functions were performed. The results obtained from the tests are presented below in order.
The parameters and values used for all tests are given in Table 2.2.
Parameter | Value |
startedLocation | [0.5, -0.5] |
numberOfIterations | [50, 500] |
temperatureValues | 700 |
fraction | 0.88 |
functionToOptimize | // Test function |
functionRange | // Test function range |
The graph of values generated with the Ackley test function in SA is given in Figure 2.4.
The value range and expected best values for the Ackley test function are given in Table 2.3.
Parameter | Value |
Value range | X => [-5, 5], Y => [-5, 5] |
Expected best solution values | X = 0, Y = 0 |
Expected optimum value | 0 |
----------------------------- | ------------------------- |
Obtained solution value(X) | -0.00119562669897455 |
Obtained solution value(Y) | -0.0008832548326439538 |
Obtained optimum value | 0.004263276791252935 |
The Beale test function was applied using the SA algorithm. The graph of the values generated with the Beale test function in SA is given in Figure 2.5.
The value range and expected best values for the Beale test function are given in Table 2.4.
Parameter | Value |
Value range | X => [-4.5, 4.5], Y => [-4.5, 4.5] |
Expected best solution values | X = 3, Y = 0.5 |
Expected optimum value | 0 |
----------------------------- | ------------------------- |
Obtained solution value(X) | 3.00448000488404 |
Obtained solution value(Y) | 0.5025383356664512 |
Obtained optimum value | 5.0725312871377724e-05 |
The Goldstein-Price test function was applied using the SA algorithm. The graph of the values generated with the Goldstein-Price test function in SA is given in Figure 2.6.
The value range and expected best values for the Goldstein-Price test function are given in Table 2.5.
Parameter | Value |
Value range | X => [-2, 2], Y => [-2, 2] |
Expected best solution values | X = 0, Y = -1 |
Expected optimum value | 3 |
----------------------------- | ------------------------- |
Obtained solution value(X) | 0.004099428038386865 |
Obtained solution value(Y) | -1.0001308106302074 |
Obtained optimum value | 3.00436862126945 |
The Levi test function was applied using the SA algorithm. The graph of the values generated with the Levi test function in SA is given in Figure 2.7.
The value range and expected best values for the Levi test function are given in Table 2.6.
Parameter | Value |
Value range | X => [-10, 10], Y => [-10, 10] |
Expected best solution values | X = 1, Y = 1 |
Expected optimum value | 0 |
----------------------------- | ------------------------- |
Obtained solution value(X) | 1.008089079742875 |
Obtained solution value(Y) | 0.9719072291301988 |
Obtained optimum value | 0.006684399680206016 |
As a result, it has been observed that the produced algorithm closely approximates the expected values.
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a metaheuristic algorithm developed by observing the social behaviors of bird and fish flocks. It was proposed by Eberhart and Kennedy in 1995. PSO is also referred to as bird swarm optimization (Çetin, 2013).
In this algorithm, bird and fish flocks search a specific area to find food or shelter. PSO consists of the social behaviors of these flocks. The first behavior is the tendency of each particle in the flock to go to the best position from its past memories. The second behavior is to follow the particle closest to the food within the flock. The last behavior is the past velocity values that enable the particle to explore a wide area. These behaviors constitute the basis of PSO (Çetin, 2013).
The PSO algorithm is a population-based metaheuristic algorithm. It starts with a population containing random solutions and tries to provide a global optimum response by updating at each iteration. Each bird in the swarm represents a solution. At the same time, each bird produces a response in the dimension it moves. Each of the given responses represents the current position of the bird. This position is referred to as . The best of the values in the algorithm is called , and this value is the optimum value sought.
For example, the velocities and positions of S particles moving in a D-dimensional search space can be expressed as follows. Here, the X position matrix is given by Equation 2.2, and the V velocity matrix is given by Equation 2.3.
In Equations 2.2 and 2.3, the position of the i-th particle is expressed as , and the velocity of the i-th particle is expressed as matrix. The best position of the particle (local best, ) is given by the matrix , as shown in Equation 2.4.
The matrix holds the best position found by S particles in D dimensions up to the current time. The best position where the i-th particle is located is expressed as matrix.
The global best position where the swarm is located, , represents the best position in the matrix. Equation 2.5 gives the matrix.
PSO conceptually relies on determining the velocities of particles in each generation based on their own local best positions and the global best position of the swarm. During the evolutionary process, the velocity and position of each particle are updated using Equations 2.6 and 2.7 (Gözde et al., 2008).
In Equation 2.6, c1 and c2 are positive constants that generally vary depending on the problem in the range of [0.2, 2]. A constant coefficient can be given according to the problem. In some problems, dynamic assignments can be made based on values like due to the inclusion of particle memories. The numbers and are randomly generated coefficients. They introduce randomness to the response given to the problem in each iteration. The numbers and are generally generated in the range [0,1). W is the inertia weight and usually varies between 0.1 and 1 (Çetin, 2013). In PSO, the inertia weight W is used to balance global and local search capabilities. A large inertia moment facilitates global search, while a small inertia moment facilitates local search. Thus, the inertia moment balances the local and global exploration and aims to reach the result with the least number of iterations. Each particle here benefits not only from the best particle in the flock but also from the experiences of all other particles in the flock (Tamer & Karakuzu, 2006).
The linear decrease of W is given by Equation 2.8 (Kennedy & Eberhart, 1995).
PSO particles continuously change their positions throughout the iteration period in the multi-dimensional search space. Changes in the search space are given in Figure 2.8.
The parameters on Figure 2.8 are as follows:
- : current location
- : new location
- : current velocity
- : new velocity
- : velocity calculated with
- : velocity calculated with
- : local best location
- : global best location
The pseudo-code for the PSO algorithm is given in Figure 2.9.
The flowchart for the PSO algorithm is given in Figure 2.10.
2.2.2 Results
The PSO algorithm, as expressed in the flowchart in Figure 2.10, was implemented in the Python language. Test functions including Ackley, Beale, Goldstein-Price, and Levi were executed. The results obtained from the tests are presented below.
The parameters and values used for all tests are provided in Table 2.7.
Parameter | Value |
functionToOptimize | // Test function |
lowerBoundary | // Lower boundary |
upperBoundary | // Upper boundary |
particleSize | 100 |
c1 | 0.5 |
c2 | 0.5 |
numberOfIteratıons | 50 |
The graph of values generated with the Ackley test function in the PSO algorithm is shown in Figure 2.11.
The range of values and the expected best values for the Ackley test function are given in Table 2.8.
Parameter | Value |
Value range | X => [-5, 5], Y => [-5, 5] |
Expected best solution | X = 0, Y = 0 |
Expected optimum value | 0 |
----------------------------- | ------------------------- |
Obtained solution value(X) | -3.1871733347611965e-08 |
Obtained solution value(Y) | 1.802381914336243e-07 |
Obtained optimum value | 5.177005206746799e-07 |
The graph of values generated with the Beale test function in the PSO algorithm is shown in Figure 2.12.
The range of values and the expected best values for the Beale test function are given in Table 2.9.
Parameter | Value |
Value range | X => [-4.5, 4.5], Y => [-4.5, 4.5] |
Expected best solution | X = 3, Y = 0.5 |
Expected optimum value | 0 |
----------------------------- | ------------------------- |
Obtained solution value(X) | 3.000004103428678 |
Obtained solution value(Y) | 0.5000009276859919 |
Obtained optimum value | 2.881213431705946e-12 |
The graph of values generated with the Goldstein-Price test function in the PSO algorithm is shown in Figure 2.13.
The range of values and the expected best values for the Goldstein-Price test function are given in Table 2.10.
Parameter | Value |
Value range | X => [-2, 2], Y => [-2, 2] |
Expected best solution | X = 0, Y = -1 |
Expected optimum value | 0 |
----------------------------- | ------------------------- |
Obtained solution value(X) | 1.443907680869234e-08 |
Obtained solution value(Y) | -0.999999988551917 |
Obtained optimum value | 3.00000000000008 |
The graph of values generated with the Levi test function in the PSO algorithm is shown in Figure 2.14.
The range of values and the expected best values for the Levi test function are given in Table 2.11.
Parameter | Value |
Value range | X => [-10, 10], Y => [-10, 10] |
Expected best solution | X = 1, Y = 1 |
Expected optimum value | 0 |
----------------------------- | ------------------------- |
Obtained solution value(X) | 0.9999999871832931 |
Obtained solution value(Y) | 1.0000003902407675 |
Obtained optimum value | 1.6704346415824158e-13 |
The algorithm produced results that closely approached the expected values. Moreover, due to the limitations of data types in Python, increasing the number of particles allows for reaching the global optimum.
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- Original Document - in Turkish
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- GitHub Repository - Simulated Annealing
- GitHub Repository - Particle Swarm Optimization
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